Invited Speakers (alphabetical order)

Yong Chu (National Synchrotron Light source II)
“Current Progress of the Nanoscale X-ray Imaging at NSLS-II”

Zirui Gao (National Synchrotron Light source II)
“Fast nanoprecision ptycho-tomo instrument for 3D imaging in HXN beamline”

Manuel Guizar-Sicairos (Paul Scherrer Institut)
“High-resolution three dimensional imaging using ptychography”

Maik Kahnt (MAX IV Laboratory)
“Ptychography at MAX IV – studying samples, beams and optics”

“Removal of systematic errors in metrology for ultra-accurate x-ray mirrors”

Taito Osaka (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
“Novel X-ray optics for SPring-8-II”

Yukio Takahashi (Tohoku University)
“X-ray Spectroscopic Ptychography: Current Status and Future Perspectives”

Jingyi Tang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
“Active Q-switched X-Ray Regenerative Amplifier Free-Electron Laser”

Kelin Tasca (European XFEL)
“Overcoming challenges in the hard X-ray regime under high-heat load at EuXFEL: a diamond channel-cut monochromator as an alternative.”

Patrik Vagovic (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
“MHz X-ray Multi-Projection Imaging”

Jin Wang (Advanced Photon Source)
“Manipulating Synchrotron X-ray Pulses with Picosecond Resolution”