Invited Speakers (alphabetical order)
Xiaojing Huang (National Synchrotron Light Source II)
“Future Coherent X-ray Imaging Capability at NSLS-II”
Viktor Nikitin (Advanced Photon Source)
“New developments and advanced reconstruction algorithms in nano-holotomography”
Lorenzo Raimondi (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
“Exploring the interaction between X-ray wave and optical elements: a physical optics perspective”
Kawal Sawhney (Diamond Light Source)
“Optics and Metrology for Diamond-II upgrade”
Kenji Tamasaku (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)
“Spatial X-ray Modulator”
Pablo Villanueva-Perez (Lund University)
“Novel AI-driven 3D and 4D imaging opportunities at high-brilliance sources”
Stefan Vogt (Argonne National Laboratory)
“The Upgraded APS – Status, Early Results, and Opportunities”
Jiawei Yan (European XFEL)
“Generation of high-power attosecond hard X-ray free-electron laser pulses at the European XFEL”